Now that the power is back on, here are fotos from this past weekend’s Boo at the Zoo festivities at the Prospect Park Zoo. Last year the Halloween weekend was wreaked by a freak snowstorm. This year we made it through the weekend events and then the hurricane hit. Halloween Day was effectively canceled — only one group of trick or treaters came by my house. We used to only have to worry about whether it would be chilly or not on Halloween.

“Octopus” by Britt
Britt, Jennifer and I painted at the Boo at the Zoo event at the Prospect Park Zoo. It’s a wonderful annual neighborhood event, with whole families coming in costume and getting painted. Britt continues to paint remarkable images of dancers on little girl’s faces, though my favorite of hers might be this octopus. I only have the one foto I took of a face Jennifer painted. She lives in a flood zone by Coney Island and that’s what she is dealing with this week. We learned yesterday that the NY Aquarium at Coney Island was devasted by the storm and they are asking for donations to help re-build:

“Choreography” by Britt
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- Halloween Groove – Face Painting at Materials for the Arts, NYC
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