A special set of tales about sea life, magic fish and an ocean of possibilities, featuring the classic folktale in which the Ocean is invited to a party at the house of the Moon and the Sun. All brought to colorful life on the faces of audience volunteers and with the help of the entire audience.
Christopher Agostino’s StoryFaces is an exciting storytelling show in which I paint the faces of audience volunteers to illustrate the stories as I tell them, captivating the audience with my uniquely animated tales.
A typical performance runs 60 minutes, with 4 or 5 stories involving 5 – 10 volunteers being facepainted onstage as I tell my tales. Like a magician would do, I pick my volunteers from the audience to be part of the show onstage while I am also engaging the full audience with my stories and additional audience involvement.
It is an unusual show, with this unique combination of stories and visual art, so you might also want to watch the video: See the video: What Is A StoryFace?
Madison County Public Libraries would love to book you for our 2024 Summer Reading Program. Do you know when you will begin to book for next year? So sorry we failed to get you this year!
please contact me via email to info@agostinoarts.com rather than via this website.
[…] The Ocean Comes to Visit — sea life, magic fish and an ocean of possibilities […]