Adventure Tales! Become Your Own Hero
My StoryFaces performances have always featured hero and adventure tales, especially those about young or small protagonists, like The Tail of the Dragon, based on an ancient Chinese legend about a brave girl that saves her village, or Punia and the King of the Sharks, a Hawaiian tale about a boy who chooses to be a hero. The reason Punia can be brave in this tale is because he is small, an encouraging message for kids, that even the small can be heroes. A wide variety of adventure tales are available to suit the age range of your audience, from Aesop Fables to my original tales like When Man First Met Crocodile, The Tiger That Went to the House of the Sun and The Adventure of 2 LIzards on 4 Faces, or samurai adventure tales for older kids, like Raiko vs the Goblin Spider.
Featuring my uniquely animated Amazing Face Story in which we see an audience member becomes the hero in an adventure on their own face — with a follow up DIY Amazing Face Story Activity for kids to create their own adventure tale in which they are the star. Adventure tales were the original motivational speeches, passed down through generations to inspire listeners to become the hero in their own lives.

StoryFaces shows are a surprising combination of storytelling and visual arts that fully engages the entire audience as the stories come to life on the faces of audience volunteers. A typical performance runs 60 minutes, with 4 or 5 stories involving 5 – 10 volunteers being facepainted onstage to illustrate my tales as I tell them. Like a magician would do, I pick my volunteers from the audience to be part of the show onstage while I am also engaging the full audience with my interactive storytelling and audience involvement. If I’ve been to your library before, I keep a record of what I’ve told, so that I can always return with new stories for your audience.
See the video: What Is A StoryFace?
Please contact me with any questions or to schedule a performance.
Always exciting. And as much fun for adults as for kids.

learn about our other programs at:
Agostino Arts School Programs — our arts-in-education shows and theatre workshops
Talking Art — a special StoryFaces arts-in-education program of stories about art history origins, inspirations and appropriations, connecting students to some essential questions: Why art? How does art work?
The Ocean Comes to Visit — sea life, magic fish and an ocean of possibilities
The Amazing Face Story Activity — an arts-in-education exercise to get kids to create an original story starring themselves.
The Power of a Story — an essay on why I tell tales
StoryFaces Movie — available online for streaming
StoryFaces came out of my 45 year adventure in theatre and facepainting, developing makeup art as a performance through my background in story theatre and physical comedy, enriched by exploration into the origins, inspirations and history of the art of transformation.