StoryFaces performances for 2023 Library Summer Reading programs

An original tale in which Coyote discovers that not only does it feel good to be helpful, it can also be the start of an adventure.
The StoryFaces show I’m putting together for libraries this coming summer features a new version of the first story I told using facepainting on stage. Coyote Makes Some Friends is my original, modernized folktale about a mischievous spirit that comes down from the moon and uses the colors of nature to make his animal friends so they can all help to fill the world with life.
The show will include my interactive retelling of Aesop’s Fable about kindness, The Lion And the Mouse, with its message that “a kindness is never wasted, for even small acts can have great results”.
Plus a renewed version of one of my favorite hero tales, The Tail of the Dragon. Based on a legend from China that is hundreds of years old, in which a brave and thoughtful young woman, and her faithful family dog, choose to face the Great Dragon of the Mountain.
My StoryFaces programs also include the Amazing Face Story Activity which provides kids and families an after show activity to create their own visual story starring themselves as demonstrated in my performance.

2022— StoryFaces was presented as a special event in three performances at the 50th annual National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN
Christopher Agostino’s StoryFaces is an exciting storytelling show in which I paint the faces of audience volunteers to illustrate the stories as I tell them, captivating the audience with my uniquely animated tales.
A typical performance runs 60 minutes, with 4 or 5 stories involving 5 – 10 volunteers being facepainted onstage as I tell my tales. Like a magician would do, I pick my volunteers from the audience to be part of the show onstage while I am also engaging the full audience with my stories and additional audience involvement.
It is an unusual show, with this unique combination of stories and visual art, so you might also want to watch the video: What Is A StoryFace?
Please CONTACT US with any questions, or to schedule a performance.
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