There was this nice photo of two participants in my story, “The Tiger That Went to the House of the Sun”, in a web article by Kevin Coughlin about First Night Morris 2014. I did two performances of StoryFaces at one site, and we had our Transformation facepainters at a second site. Here’s what Kevin wrote about our part of the event:
But one new twist that proved a hit was an early 5 pm start for kids activities that included StoryFaces (a combination of storytelling and face-painting), LEGO building, and arts and crafts.
“We’re having such a great time, and really looking forward to the face-painting,” Carol Hueston of Morris Plains said on New Year’s Eve, as her 6-year-old twins Cory and Jade diligently worked on New Year’s crowns in the Morristown High School cafeteria.
“We’ll definitely be back next year,” said Long Hill resident Josephine Infante-Meehan, whose children Mossino, 9, and Francesca, 12, sported magnificent African jungle scenes painted on their faces by Christopher Agostino of StoryFaces. Francesca said she had no intention of ever washing away the artwork.
Colorful visages weren’t just for youngsters, however. Charlie Qiao, a 24-year-old student at the Stevens Institute of Technology, also had a wondrous paint job, along with his friends, Sandie Song and Sophia Liang. “This is very good,” said Charlie, a native of China, enjoying his first First Night. “It’s a wonderful experience.”
There’s also a photo of Charlie, Sandie and Sophia in the article slideshow – see the full article at:
As Kevin mentioned, having my show at 5:00 was an earlier start for the event than previous years, and I wasn’t surprised to see only a few people at my venue in the High School as I got set to start. So I began the show in an intimate style of storytelling, with smaller tales for a small audience, and then continued to expand the performance with people entering the room in waves as shuttle buses arrived. By the end of the first show the room was SRO and I could do the Tiger Story, which is designed for larger audiences. Maybe the sense of being inundated by waves led to my starting the second show immediately after the first with the tale about the Ocean coming to visit the house of the Sun and the Moon. Learn more about Christopher Agostino’s StoryFaces
After the shows, I joined Lorraine and Pat who were facepainting at another part of the event. My favorite face of the evening was another version of the golden angel I’ve been painting this year. We painted as many adults as kids, including adults who were there without kids and just wanted to have the fun of being transformed on their way into the New Year.